The 2025 application is now available.

The due date is April 30, 2025.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be residents of a Bronx New York City Housing Authority development. Click here to see if your residence is eligible. Verification from a NYCHA representative is required.

  • Applicants must be offered acceptance to an accredited non-profit college or university in the US for the Fall Semester, 2025. Selected recipients will receive scholarship grants pending proof of enrollment in the school of their choice.

Application Requirements:

  • The application includes a personal information page

  • The application requires a personal statement. The personal statement of 1-3 pages, must include a self- description, intended goals, views on life in “the projects”, and anything else the applicant wants to share.

  • Please ask your NYCHA Housing Assistant/Representative to provide you with a residency statement containing 1) Your name 2) The name of your NYCHA development 3) The date you became a NYCHA resident 4) The name, signature, e-mail address, and phone number of the NYCHA representative

  • The application requires the most recent high school transcript; An unofficial copy may be uploaded by the applicant, or the applicant may indicate on the application that a school counselor will separately submit a copy.

  • The application requires a copy of a college acceptance letter. It need not be the school where the applicant eventually enrolls.

Please note that once an application is submitted, it cannot be edited. Please have the required documents in your files and available to upload into the application.