Norma David, 2005
College of New Rochelle - Grace Dodge Vocational High School - Butler Houses
Norma David, one of the two 2005 recipients of the Juanita James Memorial Foundation scholarship, has lived in the Butler Housing Projects for approximately twenty years. She attended Grace Dodge Vocational High School and majored in Cosmetology. As her senior year approached, she knew that going to college and pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing was something she wanted to do. One day while sitting and chatting with her College Advisor, she noticed a paper sticking out from the mountain of papers she always had. It was a flyer for the Juanita James Memorial Scholarship explaining the requirements and monetary award received for each year of college. Although she initially thought that living in the projects could not possibly be a real requirement for the scholarship, she soon realized how real it was. She became a recipient in 2005 and in 2009 graduated from The College of New Rochelle with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. On August 21, 2009, Norma took the State Board examination and passed. Although she intends to continue her education in the future, she is looking forward to establishing herself in her new career. Along with the college expenses the Foundation has aided in reducing during her time at CNR, Norma is most grateful for the new family she’s gained from the entire experience. (2010)